How much will the wise developers’ work cost?

In our company, we pay our employees based on hourly rates, depending on the technology utilized and the experience level of the specialists involved in the project.

Should I be familiar with the technical details to work with you?

There is absolutely no need for this. After all, you do not have to know medical nuances when seeking a dentist’s services. You do not have to be an expert in software development because, actually, we are. We are ready to explain to you all unclear moments and the essence of all stages while working on the project.

On your part, all you need is a clear vision of what objectives you want to achieve using the desired software product. Therefore, you just have to focus on your needs, and we will help you make them a reality.

What information do you need from me to start work?

Share the details of your project – like scope, timeframes, or business challenges you’d like to solve.

How do you guarantee the product quality?

We work in a short iteration mode and regularly test the work results, taking into account all customer preferences and the target audience reaction. This approach allows us to provide our customers with high-quality products, observing the specified deadlines. Quality is our top priority.

Will you be able to increase the number of people in your team if necessary?

If you wish to partly reduce the project work intensity or, on the contrary, to increase it at times, we are always ready to adapt to your needs. When necessary, we will easily involve more team members in your project to meet your expectations.

What is the minimum budget and the project size you are willing to work with?

The minimum budget you can start with is $1,500. Over the years, our portfolio has been enriched with both large enterprise solutions and apps designed to implement single-person ideas. The project size is not that important to us, but its benefits and ability to solve specific problems are.

Will you sign an NDA?

Yes, sure. If you want to sign an NDA, we are always ready to do so.

How long do I have to wait before the work on my project starts?

Typically, it takes about two weeks to start cooperating on the project. However, it depends on the project features and the number of people involved in it.

Which payment model do you practice?

WiseTech offers its customers several pricing models, which allows any company to choose the best option: Fixed Price, Time & Materials, or Dedicated Team Model.

Can you make changes to a product which other developers have already started?

Yes, we can. Our software engineers are well versed in various technologies and will practically always be able to continue the product started by some other team.

How does the project work process take place?

Each project is unique and requires a customized approach, but most of the development stages are relevant to all of them. However, the very process of their implementation may differ somewhat. We recommend you read more about our work processes on our website.

We have got an idea, but we would like to verify it. What shall we do in this case?

It does not always make sense to invest all your time and budget resources for the immediate launch of a large project. The trouble is that the project may fail to meet the actual market needs. Therefore, if you have an idea, but you are not entirely sure of it, we recommend you test the concept with an MVP development.

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